TheBrain Blog

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Not Just Information. Create a Brain of Inspirations.

Jan 15, 2010

“The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.”

– Allan K. Chalmers

One Brain to Rule Them All: Creating a MegaBrain.

Feb 9, 2009

There are many types of Brains you can create from your favorite hobby to visualizing mission critical business strategies.

For some people your PersonalBrain is for organizing documents, for others its research projects or keeping organized at work. And then there are the MegaBrain users. Oh yes. :)

Go from Zero to Sixty with Your Knowledge on Anything Now…

Nov 7, 2008

Think of TheBrain as a canvas for your thinking to learn and grow your knowledge on any topic without limits. Creating a brain is an investment in you and an intellectual endeavor, but not the sort that means hours of study or writing a thesis paper.

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